


false: Do nothing, unsuccessfully
fdformat: This command is used for low level format of a floppy disk.
fdisk: This is a partition table manipulator for Linux systems.
fg: This command is used for sending a task to the foreground.
fgrep: Use this command to search through files for tasks that match a string.
file: This is used to determine the file type.
find: This is used to find files that match a desired criteria.
fmt: This is used for reformatting paragraph text.
fold: The name is quite suggestive, it wraps text in order to fit a certain width.
format: This simply formats tapes or disks.
free: Use this to see the memory usage.
fsck: This is used for checking the consistency of the file system and repair it.
fuser: This command identifies and kills the process accessing a file.


gawk: This command is used to find text within files and replace it.
getopts: Parse positional parameters
grep: Through this you can search in files for lines matching a certain pattern.
groupadd: Use this command to add security user groups.
groupdel: This one is used for deleting a certain group.
groupmod: While the last one deletes, this one modified a group.
groups: Print the names of groups in which an user is located.
gzip: This command is used for compressing and decompressing files.


hash: This command is used to refer to the complete pathname of a name argument.
head: Use this for output for the first part of files.
help: Display the built in help for a command.
history: Command History
hostname: Print or set system name


iconv: Use this to convert the character set in files.
id: Display the group ids or user ids.
if: Conditional command.
ifconfig: Used to configure network interfaces.
ifdown: Use this command for stopping a network interface.
ifup: Start a network interface app with this command.
import: Used for the X server. Capture a screen and save image.
Install: Set attributes and copy files


jobs: Use this for listing jobs that are active.
Join: This one joins lines, which are on a common field.


kill: Stops a process from running.
Killall: Kills the processes by name.


less: This command displays the output on a single screen at a time.
let: This is for doing arithmetic on shell variables.
link: This command is used for creating a link to another file.
ln: This one creates a symbolic link to another file.
local: Use this for creating variables.
locate: This one is used for finding files.
logname: This is used to print the login name being used currently.
logout: Use this command to exit a login shell.
look: When you just want to see lines that start with a particular string.
lpc: It stands for Line Printer Control.
lpr: This is for offline print.
lprint: Use this command to print a file.
lprintd: Use this to abort an ongoing print job.
lprintq: This command lists the print queue.
lprm: This removes the jobs from the print queue.


make: This command is used for recompiling the group of programs.
man: This is short for manual and provides help on a command.
mkdir: Creating directories.
mkfifo: Use this to make FIFOs.
mknod: This is to create character special files or block files.
more: This displays the output, but in a single screen at a time.
mount: Used for mounting a particular filesystem.
mtools: Manipulating files from MS-DOS.
mtr: Network diagnostics command for things like ping and traceroute.
mv: Used for moving and renaming files and directories.
mmv: Mass Move and Rename


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