AMD Advanced Micro Devices
API application programming interface
ARP address resolution protocol
ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
AS autonomous system
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph Company
ATA advanced technology attachment
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
B byte
BELUG Bellevue Linux Users Group
BGP border gateway protocol
BIOS basic input output system
BKL big kernel lock
BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman
BSA Business Software Alliance
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution (originally Berkeley Source Distribution)
CCITT Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique
cd change directory
CD compact disc
CDROM compact disc read-only memory
CJKV Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese
CLDR common locale data repository
CLI command line interface
CPU central processing unit
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRT cathode ray tube
CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access/collision detection
CSS cascading style sheets
CUPS common UNIX printing system
CVS concurrent versions system
daemon disk and execution monitor*
DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
DLC data link control
DLL dynamic link library
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DNS domain name service
DOS disk operating system
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DVD digital versatile disc (originally digital video disc)
EDGE enhanced data GSM environment
EEPROM electrically erasable read-only memory
EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation
EGP exterior gateway protocol
EULA end user license agreement
FAQ frequently asked questions
FDD floppy disk drive
FDDI fiber distributed data interface
FOSS free open source software
FQDN fully qualified domain name
FS filesystem
FSF Free Software Foundation
FTP file transfer protocol
Gb gigabit
GB gigabyte
GbE gigabit Ethernet
GCC GNU Compiler Collection (originally GNU C Compiler)
GFDL GNU Free Documentation License
GID group identification
GIF graphics interchange format
GIGO garbage in garbage out
GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment
GOCC Government Open Code Collaborative
GPG GNU Privacy Guard
GPRS general packet radio service
GRUB grand unified bootloader
GUI graphical user interface
HDD hard disk drive
HDLC high level data link control
HFS hierarchical file system
HP Hewlett-Packard
HTML hypertext markup language
HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IBM International Business Machines
IC integrated circuit
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICMP Internet control message protocol
IDE integrated drive electronics
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IGP interior gateway protocol
IGRP interior gateway routing protocol
IMAP Internet message access protocol
I/O input/output
IP Internet protocol
IPC inter-process communication
IPX internetwork packet exchange
IRC Internet relay chat
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet service provider
IT information technology
IXP Internet exchange points
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JVM Java virtual machine
Kb kilobit
KB kilobyte
KCP kernel control path
KDE K Desktop Environment
LAMP Linux Apache MySQL and PHP
LAN local area network
LANANA Linux Assigned Names and Numbers Authority
LAP link access procedure
LCD liquid crystal display
LDAP lightweight directory access protocol
LED light emitting diode
LFS Linux From Scratch
LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License
LIDS Linux intrusion detection system
LILO Linux loader
LINFO The Linux Information Project
LFS log-structured file system
LSB Linux Mark Institute
LSB Linux Standards Base
LSI large scale integrated circuit
LUG Linux users group
LVM logical volume management
LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch
MAC media access control
Mb megabit
MB megabyte
MBR master boot record
MD5 message digest 5
MDI medium dependent interface
MIT Massachussets Institute of Technology
MMU memory management unit
MS Microsoft
MS-DOS Microsoft disk operating system
MTU maximum transmission unit
NFS network file system
NIC network interface card
NILFS new implementation log-structured file system
NIS network information system
NNTP network news transfer protocol
NTP network time protocol
ODF open document format
OS operating system
OSDL Open Source Development Labs
OSI open systems interconnection
OSPF open shortest path first
PAM pluggable authentication modules
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDA personal digital assistant
PDF portable document format
PGP pretty good privacy
PHP PHP hypertext preprocessor (originally personal home page)
PID process identification number
ping packet Internet groper (orginally not an acronym)
PKI public key cryptography
PKI public key infrastructure
PNG portable network graphics
PnP plug-and-play
POP post office protocol
POSIX portable operating system interface
POTS plain old telephone service
PPP point-to-point protocol
PS postscript
PSTN public switched telephone network
pwd print working directory
RAID redundant arrays of independent disks
RAM random access memory
RARP reverse address resolution protocol
RDBMS relational database management system
RFID radio frequency identification
RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer
RIP routing information protocol
RJ registered jack
RMON remote monitoring
RMS Richard M. Stallman
ROM read-only memory
RPC remote procedure call
RPM Red Hat package manager
RSS really simple syndication
RTOS real time operating system
RTP real-time transport protocol
SAN storage area network
SANE scanner access now easy
SCO Santa Cruz Operation
SCSI small computer standard interface
SDLC synchronous data link control
SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
SGID set group ID
SGML standard generalized markup language
SMB server message block
SNMP simple network management protocol
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
SOAP simple object access protocol
SPAM superfluous pieces of additional mail*
SRAM static random access memory
SRI Stanford Research Institute
SSH secure shell
SSL secure sockets layer
su substitute user
SUID set user ID
SVID System V interface definition
TAR tape archive
TB terabyte
TCP transmission control protocol
TCP/IP transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
Tcl tool command language
TCO total cost of ownership
TCO transmission control protocol
TLB translation lookaside buffer
TLD top level domain
TRON The Real Time Operating System
TSL transport layer security
TTL time-to-live
TTL transistor-transistor logic
TTY teletype terminal
UCB University of California at Berkeley
UCITA Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
UCLA University of California at Los Angeles
UCS universal character set
UDP user datagram protocol
UID user identification
URI uniform resource identifier
URL uniform resource locator
USB universal serial bus
UTF UCS transformation format
UTMS universal mobile telecommunications system
VFAT virtual file allocation table
VGA video graphics array
VLSI very large scale integrated circuit
vm virtual memory
VPN virtual private network
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAN wide area network
WAP wireless access point
WAP wireless application protocol
WEP wired equivalent privacy
WINE WINE is not an emulator
WLAN wireless local area network
WWW World Wide Web
WXGA wide extended graphics array
X X Window System
XML extensible markup language
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